Ignite PT Radio

A podcast delivering valuable info and clarity in an often confusing world of fitness, nutrition and the gym. Weekly Q&A's covering a different topic every episode. Monthly Q&A's bringing you different views, experience and topics from others working within the fitness industry.

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Monday Jan 25, 2021

In this video, I am joined by the highly talented and humble Ishak, all the way from San Diego, California.
Throughout our hour long talk, we discuss his personal journey from a unhealthy 15 year old, to a successful competitive bodybuilder and highly talented coach. We go into depth with the keys to success for fat loss and body transformation, discussing common pitfalls and area of challenge.

Monday Jul 13, 2020

In this episode, I discuss all things regarding the appropriate approach to returning to training after a period of time away from the gym. With us due to get back into gyms from July 25th, the way we set ourselves up for return will impact how well we progress.

Monday Jun 29, 2020

Post Workout Supplements, what they do, who they're for, when should you consider using them.

Monday Jun 29, 2020

Pre Workout Supplements: What they are, what they do, when to use them and who could benefit from them. The world of supplements can be a very confusing and often conflicting world, knowing what is going to be appropriate or beneficial and when to use them can be a challenge in itself.Over this & the post workout episode, I hope the shed some further clarity on all of the above. 

Sunday May 10, 2020

My thoughts on how to best utilise your time during lockdown, both with nutrition and training with some helpful and simple tips.Has you shift in activity & food in take had a change? Are you training as consistently as you'd like? Should we be focusing on building strength/fitness during this time?

Sunday Apr 26, 2020

Injury, pain and aches are an inevitable part of life regardless of whether we exercise or not. 
Many things will determine how we move forward from that. A good colleague and friend of mine Liam is a prime example of someone who has come back from a serious injury and then some. We discuss how he came back from being unable to walk for 6 months, to training and then becoming a successful personal trainer as a result and the invaluable things that taught him. 

Thursday Apr 23, 2020

Mobility, warm up, movement prep. whatever you call it, are you doing one?If so, have you ever put any thought into why you're doing it and if the content of it is actually benefiting your session or are you just ticking a box?This podcast will explain the exact reason why I get my clients to perform a 'warm up block' before every single session. 

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020

What is the best training split/programme you can do?Is their one holy grail of training programmes that holds the key to all of your success?This week I discuss whether there is one training split/programme that trumps the rest or is it down to a collection of multiple key factors? 

Friday Apr 03, 2020

Routines, mindset and motivation can have a big role to play in every aspect of our life and exercise is no exception. I discuss how it's vital to focus on all three working together, instead of only focusing on some of them.I talk about useful ways to capitalise on peaks in motivation and clarity of mindset, but explain that relying on that alone can lead to challenges. 

Saturday Mar 28, 2020

In this months episode, I am joined by Brad Down.With a wealth of experience, starting out around 2010 in the gym and spanning beyond that with studying in school, college and university. We talk how his focus evolved from sports/athletics, to competitive bodybuilding, on to powerlifting and more! With him being a full time, self employed personal trainer for 5+ years, we talk about the roots of his success and longevity in an industry that often isn't for everyone. 

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